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Pressure filter HAILEA QF25 with integrated 11 W UVC

179,90 €*

Disponibile subito, tempo di consegna 2-3 Tage

Codice prodotto: 602049

Pressure filter HAILEA QF25 incl. UVC 11 Watt for ponds up to 12,000 litres.

Technical data:

- pump capacity : 3,000 - 4,500 L/h
- Hose connection: 25-32-40 mm
- UVC output: 11 watts
- Dimensions: Ø 360 x 440 mm

The HAILEA models are sealed pressure filters with an integrated UV-C pond clarifier. They effect mechanical and biological filtration of garden ponds (with or without fish) at water temperatures from +4°C to approx. 35°C. Mechanical filtration removes suspended matter, while biological filtration converts toxic waste products from fish metabolism and other organic waste into far less harmful substances. The purpose of UV-C clarification is to combat suspended algae. Pathogens present in the pond water are significantly reduced by UV-C radiation.

All HAILEA models are equipped with a backwash device, i.e. by means of a rotary valve or lever, the water flow of the pond pump is diverted in such a way that filter sponges and bio-balls are rinsed free of mud and dirt as far as possible . Nevertheless, the filters must be opened once or twice a year for more intensive maintenance in order to clean the filter sponges thoroughly by hand.