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Replacement lamp ECO Immersion UVC 40W Amalgam

45,00 €*

Immédiatement disponible, délai de livraison 2-3 Tage

Réf. produit : 601238
Replacement lamp ECO Immersion UVC 40W Amalgam
Replacement lamp ECO Immersion UVC 40W Amalgam
What is the difference to conventional UVC without amalgam?

  • you get a very high efficiency with this lamp
  • the life span of the lamp is approx. 13,000 hours
  • you get clearer water
  • the UV radiation output decreases less quickly over time
Base: T5
Current: 1,2 A
Current voltage: 36 V
Glass diameter: 15 mm
Lamp length: 357 mm
Length: 365 mm
UV power @ 254 nm : 11 W
Watt: 40 - 44 W
Weight in kg: 0,08