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ECO filter brushes black 15 x 80 cm (24 pieces)

85,20 €*

Disponible dans 3 jours, délai de livraison 2-3 Tage (5-7 Tage bei Versand ins Ausland)

Filter media
Réf. produit : 871600
Dimensionally stable filter brushes made of black HDPE (high-pressure polyethylene) with an O-shaped wire hanger (eyelet)

Dimensionally stable filter brushes made of black HDPE (high-pressure polyethylene) with a fixing wire. The wire is made of stainless steel. In pond filters with several chambers, the filter brushes are inserted into the first chamber.

The specified length dimensions only apply to the pure brush body!

The length of the hangers must be added (+ 6 cm).
Please take this into account when comparing prices!

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